International Database for Barley Genes and Barley Genetic Stocks

BGS 272, Reaction to Pyrenophora teres 5, Rpt5

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Stock number: BGS 272
Locus name: Reaction to Pyrenophora teres 5
Locus symbol: Rpt5

Previous nomenclature and gene symbolization:

Resistance to Pyrenophora teres a = Pta (14).
QTL for resistance to Pyrenophora teres f. teres seedling 6L = QRpts6L (24).
QTL for resistance to Pyrenophora teres 6 = QRpt6 (11).
Reaction to Pyrenophora teres f. teres Kombar = rpt.k (1).
Reaction to Pyrenophora teres f. teres Rika = rpt.r (1).


Monofactorial dominant (20, 21); two complementary genes in CIho 5791 (13, 14, 19); dominance or recessive gene action is dependent on the isolate used for screening (7).
Located in chromosome 6HL (16, 24); the Rpt5 locus is between microsatellite markers HVM14 and HVM65 (16); it is between RFLP markers MWG916 and WG223 (29); near SSR marker Bmag173 (5, 8, 9); Rpt5.i is closely linked to HVM74 (11); Rpt5.i is near DArT marker bPb-9051 (26); the rpt5.k and rpt5.r alleles are in a 0.8 cM region near EST marker ABC04320 (1).


The 6HL gene from CIho 9819, which confers resistance to many Pyrenophora teres f. teres (Ptt) isolates, was named Rpt5 (21). The Rpt5 locus was reported by many researchers as the main locus controlling the response to Ptt. Accessions from Ethiopia, CIho 5791 and CIho 9819, were identified as resistant to a mixture of North American isolates of Ptt (4, 14, 15). Duplicate factors in CIho 5791 and CIho 9819 control resistance to P. teres, but one of these factors Pta is not allelic to previously reported genes (14, 15). Resistance to Ptt is conferred by one dominant gene in 6HL of CIho 9819 with the infection type (IT) of 1 for CIho 9819 on a 10 point scale and an IT of 10 for Rolfi (20). Subsequent reports have associated this region of 6HL with both dominant and recessive interactions to various Ptt isolates (17). Abu Qamar et al. (1) demonstrated that at least two recessive Rpt loci were expressed in this region of 6HL in doubled-haploid progeny from a Rika/Kombar cross. Based on expressed sequence tag (EST) markers, Liu et al. (18) reported that in the Rpt5 region of 6HL, Kombar (CIho 15694) is identical to that of closely related cultivars, Atlas (CIho 4118, PI 539108) and Beecher (CIho 6566), and the Rpt5 region of Rika (NGB 2662,(CIho 11200, PI 263575) is identical to that of Tifang (CIho 4407-1, PI 69426), Manchuria (CIho 2330), and Manchurian (CIho 1251, PI 20824). The Rpt5.f allele from CIho 5791 and CIho 9819 is named because it confers a high level of resistance to many Ptt isolates (2, 3, 14, 22, 23). This source was used by Metcalfe (23) and led to the development in the development of two-rowed cultivars such as Norbert (PI 452125), TR251 (TR229//AC Oxbow/ND7556), Conlon (PI 597789), Vlamingh (76T110-409/TR118, CN 45884) (10, 22) and six-rowed cultivars Heartland (32) and M120 (26, 32). CIho 5791 and CIho 9819 are still resistance to a diverse set of Ptt isolates (2), but the derived cultivars are not as resistant to a smaller spectrum of Ptt isolates (2, 6).
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Origin of mutant:

Natural occurrence in CIho 5791 (PI 95095) and CIho 9819 (PI 195985) (4, 14, 21, 31); natural occurrence in Steptoe (CIho 15229) (30), in Hor 9088 (25), in Kaputar (5), in ND11231 (a Logan sib) (5, 8), in Halcyon (24), in Chevron (CIho 1111, PI 38061) (19), in SM89010 (9), in TR251 (11, 12), in Rika (NGB 2662) and Kombar (CIho 15694) (1).

Mutational events:

Rpt5.f in CIho 9819 (PI 195985) (4, 14); Rpt5.f in CIho 5791 (PI 95095) (4, 14, 23) and TR251 (TR229//AC Oxbow/ND7556) (11); rpt5.k in Kombar (CIho 15694) from California and rpt5.r in Rika (NGB 2662, CIho 11200, PI 263575) from Sweden (18, 30); other possible alleles include Rph5 in Steptoe (CIho 15229) (27, 30); Rpt5 from HOR 9088 from Ethiopia (25); Rpt5 in TR306 (CN 44323, Abee//TR451/WM793-1776) (27, 29); Rpt5 in Chevron (CIho 1111, PI 38061) (19).

Mutant used for description and seed stocks:

Rpt5.f in CIho 9819, CIho 5791, Heartland, and TR251; rpt5.k in Kombar; Rpt5.r in Rika;
Rpt5.f from CIho 5791 via Heartland (32) in M120 (CDC Tisdale/Lacey) (26).


1. Abu Qamar, M., Z.H. Liu, J.D. Faris, S. Chao, M.C. Edwards, Z. Lai, J.D. Franckowiak, and T.L. Friesen. 2008. A region of barley chromosome 6H harbors multiple major genes associated with net type net blotch resistance. Theor. Appl. Genet. 117:1261-1270.

2. Afanasenko, O.S., M. Jalli, H.O. Pinnschmidt, O. Filatova, and G.J. Platz. 2009. Development of an international standard set of barley differential genotypes for Pyrenophora teres f. teres. Plant Pathol. 58:665-676.

3. Afanasenko, O., N. Mironenko, O. Filatova, D. Kopahnke, I. Krämer, and F Ordon. 2007. Genetics of host-pathogen interactions in the Pyrenophora teres f. teres (net form) – barley (Hordeum vulgare) pathosystem. Eur. J. Plant Pathol. 117:267-280.

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6. Cromey, M.G., and R.A. Parkes. 2003. Pathogenic variation in Drechslera teres in New Zealand. New Zealand Plant Protect. 56:251-256.

7. Douiyssi, A., D.C. Rasmusson, and R.D. Wilcoxson. 1996. Inheritance of resistance to net blotch in barley in Morocco. Plant Dis. 80:1269-1272.

8. Emebiri, L.C., G. Platz, and D.B. Moody. 2005. Disease resistance genes in a doubled haploid population of two-rowed barley segregating for malting quality attributes. Aust. J. Agric. Res. 56:49-56.

9. Friesen, T.L., J.D. Faris, Z. Lai, and B.J. Steffenson. 2006. Identification and chromosomal location of major genes for resistance to Pyrenophora teres in a doubled-haploid barley population Genome 49:855-859.

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11. Grewal, T.S., B.G. Rossnagel, C.J. Ponzniak, and G.J. Scoles. 2008. Mapping quantitative trait loci associated with barley net blotch resistance. Theor. Appl. Genet. 116: 529-539.

12. Grewal, T.S., B.G. Rossnagel, and G.J. Scoles. 2008. The utility of molecular markers for barley net blotch resistance across geographic regions. Crop Sci. 48:2321-2333.

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16. Liu, Z.W., R.M. Biyashev, and M.A. Saghai Maroof. 1996. Development of simple sequence repeat DNA markers and their integration into a barley linkage map. Theor. Appl. Genet. 93:869-876.

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19. Ma, Z.Q., N.L.V. Lapitan, and B. Steffenson. 2004. QTL mapping of net blotch resistance genes in a doubled-haploid population of six-rowed barley. Euphytica 137:291-296.

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21. Manninen O.M., M. Jalli, R. Kalendar, A. Schulman, O. Afanasenko, and J. Robinson. 2006. Mapping of major spot-type and net-type net-blotch resistance genes in Ethiopian barley line CI 9819. Genome 49:1564-1571.

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24. Raman, H., G.J. Platz, K.J. Chalmers, R. Raman, B.J. Read, A.R. Barr, and D.B. Moody. 2003. Mapping of genomic regions associated with net form of net blotch resistance in barley. Aust. J. Agric. Res. 54:1359-1367.

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J.D. Franckowiak and G.J. Platz. 2013. Barley Genet. Newsl. 43:120-123.