International Database for Barley Genes and Barley Genetic Stocks

BGS 375, Male sterile genetic 20, msg20

BGN  45:156
Stock number: BGS 375
Locus name: Male sterile genetic 20
Locus symbol: msg20

Previous nomenclature and gene symbolization:

Male sterile ad = msg,,ad (3, 4, 6).
Male sterile 20 = ms 20 (3).


Monofactorial recessive (3).
Located in chromosome 4H (1); is associated with SNP markers 1_0028 to 1_0846 (positions 69.62 to 91.93 cM) in 4H bins 05 to 06 in a homozygous partially fertile plant from Bowman backcross-derived line BW555 (1). The mutant was previously associated with chromosome 1H (3).


Selfing - none (3).
Outcrossing - complete female fertility (3).
Stamens - anthers smaller than fertile sib (3). Selfed seed set in the Bowman backcross-derived line is 50 to 75% or more, but both the original stock and the Bowman backcross-derived line for, BW555, have short awns (3/4 normal length) (2).
No images

Origin of mutant:

An X-ray induced mutant in Hannchen (CIho 531) (3).

Mutational events: (MSS096, GSHO 2372) in Hannchen (CIho 531) (3, 5).

Mutant used for description and seed stocks: (GSHO 2372) in Hannchen; in Bowman (PI 483237)*5 (GSHO 2059, BW555, NGB 23424).


1. Druka, A., J. Franckowiak, U. Lundqvist, N. Bonar, J. Alexander, K. Houston, S. Radovic, F. Shahinnia, V. Vendramin, M. Morgante, N. Stein, and R. Waugh. 2011. Genetic dissection of barley morphology and development. Plant Physiol. 155:617-627.

2. Franckowiak, J.D. (Unpublished).

3. Hockett, E.A., and R.F. Eslick. 1971. Genetic male-sterile genes useful in hybrid barley production. p. 298-307. In R.A. Nilan (ed.) Barley Genetics II. Proc. Second Int. Barley Genet. Symp., Pullman, WA, 1969. Washington State Univ. Press.

4. Hockett, E.A., R.F. Eslick, D.A. Reid, and G.A. Wiebe. 1968. Genetic male sterility in barley. II. Available spring and winter stocks. Crop Sci. 8:754-755.

5. Hockett, E.A., and D.A. Reid. 1981. Spring and winter genetic male-sterile barley stocks. Crop Sci. 21:655-659.

6. Robertson, D.W. 1971. Recent information of linkage and chromosome mapping. p. 220-242. In R.A. Nilan (ed.) Barley Genetics II. Proc. Second Int. Barley Genet. Symp., Pullman, WA, 1969. Washington State Univ. Press.


E.A. Hockett. 1971. Barley Genet. Newsl. 1:188.


T. Tsuchiya. 1982. Barley Genet. Newsl. 12:107.
J.D. Franckowiak. 1997. Barley Genet. Newsl. 26:323.
J.D. Franckowiak. 1997. Barley Genet. Newsl. 43:139.
J.D. Franckowiak. 2014. Barley Genet. Newsl. 44:130.
J.D. Franckowiak. 2015. Barley Genet. Newsl. 45:156