International Database for Barley Genes and Barley Genetic Stocks

BGS 352, Glossy sheath 2, gsh2

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Stock number: BGS 352
Locus name: Glossy sheath 2
Locus symbol: gsh2

Previous nomenclature and gene symbolization:

Glossy sheath 2 = gs2 (21, 23).
Eceriferum-b = cer-b (9, 23).


Monofactorial recessive (9, 20).
Located in chromosome 3HL (2, 4, 22); gsh2.f is about 5.1 cM proximal from the als1 (absent lower laterals 1) locus (5, 6); gsh2.f is over 32.5 cM distal from the uzu1 (uzu 1) locus (2, 5, 6); gsh2.f is associated with SNP markers 2_1161 to 1_0584 (positions 169.94 to 178.12 cM) in 3H bin 11 of the Bowman backcross-derived line BW405; cer-b.2 is associated with SNP markers 22_1513 to 1_1172 (positions 190.97 cM) in 3H bins 11 and 12 of the Bowman backcross-derived line BW107 (1), gsh2 variants mapped at position 96.6 cM in 3H (17) in the POPSEQ map (17), the cer-b.2 mutant mapped to a 1.3-cM interval flanked by SNP markers MLOC_10972 and MLOC_69561 (24), in 3H bin 11.


Surface wax coating appears absent on the spike, leaf sheath, and stem (wax code - - ++) (9, 20). The nodes of mutant plants are covered with surface wax (7). The Bowman backcross-derived lines for the gsh2 mutants, BW107 with cer-b.2 and BW405 with gsh2.f, had agronomic traits similar to those of Bowman, but grain yields were slightly lower (3). The cer-b.2 mutant caused major changes in the composition of surface waxes on the leaf sheath and deficiency in the cuticular wax component 14,16-hentriacontanedione (24).

Origin of mutant:

Spontaneous occurrence in Vantage (CIho 7324) (18); an X-ray induced mutant in Maja Abed (NGB 8815, PI 184884) (9).

Mutational events:

gsh2.d in Vantage (CIho 7324), gsh2.e in Ymer (NGB, 14860, CIho 7275), gsh2.f (GSHO 736), gsh2.g in Atlas (CIho 4118), gsh2.h in Klargrin (18); cer-b.2 (NGB 110886, GSHO 434; GSHO 1081) in Maja Abed (NGB 8815, PI 184884) (7, 8, 9, 22); cer-b.4 (NGB 110888 ), -b.64 (NGB 110948), -b.66 (NGB 110950), -b.109 (NGB 110994 in Bonus (NGB 14657, PI 189763) (9, 10); cer-b.79 (NGB 110963), -b.94 (NGB 110978), -b.96 (NGB 110980) in Bonus, -b.209 (NGB 111096), -b.222 (NGB 111109), -b.319 (NGB 111206), -b.336 (NGB 111223), -b.337 (NGB 111224), -b.377 (NGB 111264), -b.418 (NGB 111306), -b.424 (NGB 111312), -b.427 (NGB 111315) in Foma (NGB 14659, CIho 11333) (10, 16); cer-b.169 (NGB 111055), -b.193 (NGB 111079) in Bonus, -b.412 (NGB 111300), -b.531 (NGB 111419), -b.549 (NGB 111437) in Foma, -b.1037 (NGB111925), -b.1059 (NGB 111947) in Carlsberg II (NGB 5085, CIho 10114) (10); cer-b.751 (NGB 111639), -b.769 (NGB 111657), -b.791 (NGB 111679), -b.799 (NGB 111687), -b.800 (NGB 111688) in Bonus, -b.1129 (NGB 112017) in Kristina (NGB 14661, NGB 1500) (10); cer-b.910 (NGB 111798) in Bonus (12); cer-b.932 (NGB 111820) in Bonus (13); cer-b.147 (NGB 111033), -b.182 (NGB 111068), -b.623 (NGB 111511) in Bonus, -b.1099 (NGB 111987), -b.1267 (NGB 112155), -b.1269 (NGB 112157) in Kristina (13); cer-b.1699 (NGB 119343) in Bonus (14); gsh2.ab (OUM019), gsh2.ah (OUM025) in Akashinriki (OUJ659, PI 467400) (4, 6); in the cross NDB112/Fr926-77 (3); in Ms13551 and in PI 282610 both in Hordeum vulgare subsp. spontaneum (1, 3); gsh2 variants in H. vulgare ssp. spontaneum accessions WBDC032, WBDC035, and WBDC348 (19).

Mutant used for description and seed stocks:

gsh2.f (GSHO 736) in Atlas; cer-b.2 (NGB 110886, GSHO 434; GSHO 1081) in Maja Abed Abed (NGB 8815, PI 184884); gsh2.f in Bowman (PI 483237)*7 (GSHO 1988); gsh2.f in Bowman*8 (BW405, NGB 20678); cer-b.2 in Bowman*6 (GSHO 1989); cer-b.2 in Bowman*7 (BW107, NGB 20513): from Ms13551in Bowman*4 (BW402, NGB 22150); from PI 282610 in Bowman*7 (BW403, NGB 22151).


1. Druka, A., J. Franckowiak, U. Lundqvist, N. Bonar, J. Alexander, K. Houston, S. Radovic, F. Shahinnia, V. Vendramin, M. Morgante, N. Stein, and R. Waugh. 2011. Genetic dissection of barley morphology and development. Plant Physiol. 155:617-627.
2. Eslick, R.F., and W.L. McProud. 1974. Positioning of genetic male sterile 5 (msg5) on chromosome 3. Barley Genet. Newsl. 4:16-23.
3. Franckowiak, J.D. (Unpublished).
4. Konishi, T. 1970. Genetic analyses of two kinds of EMS-induced mutants of barley. Barley Newsl. 13:57-58.
5. Konishi, T. 1973. Genetic analyses of EMS-induced mutants in barley. Barley Genet. Newsl. 3:28-31.
6. Konishi, T., J. Hayashi, I. Moriya, and R. Takahashi. 1984. Inheritance and linkage studies in barley. VII. Location of six new mutant genes on chromosome 3. Ber. Ohara Inst. landw. Biol., Okayama Univ. 18:251-264.
7. Lundqvist, U. (Unpublished).
8. Lundqvist, U. 1992. Coordinator's report: Eceriferum genes. Barley Genet. Newsl. 21:99-101.
9. Lundqvist, U., and D. von Wettstein. 1962. Induction of eceriferum mutants in barley by ionizing radiations and chemical mutagens. Hereditas 48:342-362.
10. Lundqvist, U., and D. von Wettstein. 1971. Stock list for the eceriferum mutants. Barley Genet. Newsl. 1:97-102.
11. Lundqvist, U., and D. von Wettstein. 1973. Stock list for the eceriferum mutants II. Barley Genet. Newsl. 3:110-112.
12. Lundqvist, U., and D. von Wettstein. 1975. Stock list for the eceriferum mutants III. Barley Genet. Newsl. 5:88-91.
13. Lundqvist, U., and D. von Wettstein. 1977. Stock list for the eceriferum mutants IV. Barley Genet. Newsl. 7:92-96.
14. Lundqvist, U., and D. von Wettstein. 1982. Stock list for the eceriferum mutants VI. Barley Genet. Newsl. 12:169-172.
15. Lundqvist, U., and D. von Wettstein. 1985. Stock list for the eceriferum mutants VII. Barley Genet. Newsl. 15:89-93.
16. Lundqvist, U., P. von Wettstein-Knowles, and D. von Wettstein. 1968. Induction of eceriferum mutants in barley by ionizing radiations and chemical mutagens. II. Hereditas 59:473-504.
17. Mascher, M., G.J. Muehlbauer, D.S. Rokhsar, J. Chapman, J. Schmutz, K. Barry, M. Munoz-Amatria, T.J. Close, R.P. Wise, A.H. Schulman, A. Himmelbach, K.F.X. Mayer, U. Scholz, J.A. Poland, N. Stein, and R. Waugh. 2013. Anchoring and ordering NGS contig assemblies by population sequencing (POPSEQ). Plant J. 76:718-727.
18. McProud, W.L., and R.F. Eslick. 1971. Allelism within a series of glossy sheath mutants. Barley Genet. Newsl. 1:31-34.
19. Nice, L.M., B.J. Steffenson, G.L. Brown-Guedira, E.D. Akhunov, C. Liu, T.J.Y. Kono, P.L Morrell, T.K. Blake, R.D. Horsley, K.P. Smith, and G.J. Muehlbauer. 2016. Development and genetic characterization of an advanced backcross-nested association mapping (AB-NAM) population of wild x cultivated barley. Genetics 203:1453-1467.
20. Rasmusson, D.C., and J.W. Lambert. 1965. Inheritance of the glossy-sheath character in barley, Hordeum vulgare L. Crop Sci. 5:251-253.
21. Robertson, D.W., G.A. Wiebe, R.G. Shands, and A. Hagberg. 1965. A summary of linkage studies in cultivated barley, Hordeum species: Supplement III, 1954-1963. Crop Sci. 5:33-43.
22. Singh, R.J., and T. Tsuchiya. 1974. Further information on telotrisomic analysis in barley. Barley Genet. Newsl. 4:66-69.
22. Wettstein-Knowles, P. von. 1991. New alleles of Cer-yy and cer-b. Barley Genet. Newsl. 20:66-68.
24. Zhou, Q., C. Li, K. Mishina, J. Zhao, J. Zhang, R. Duan, X. Ma, A. Wang, Q. Meng, T. Komatsuda, and G. Che. 2017. Characterization and genetic mapping of the β-diketone deficient eceriferum-b barley mutant. Theor. Appl. Genet. 130:1169-1178.


W.L. McProud and R.F. Eslick. 1971. Barley Genet. Newsl. 1:169.
U. Lundqvist. 1975. Barley Genet. Newsl. 5:116 as BGS 398, Eceriferum-b, cer-b.


U. Lundqvist and J.D. Franckowiak. 1997. Barley Genet. Newsl. 26:294-295.
U. Lundqvist and J.D. Franckowiak. 2011. Barley Genet. Newsl. 41:141-142.
U. Lundqvist and J.D. Franckowiak. 2014. Barley Genet. Newsl. 44:124-125.
U. Lundqvist and J.D. Franckowiak. 2016. Barley Genet. Newsl. 46:98-100.
U. Lundqvist and J.D. Franckowiak. 2017. Barley Genet. Newsl. 47:125-127.