International Database for Barley Genes and Barley Genetic Stocks

BGS 401, Eceriferum-f, cer-f

BGN  48:138 Export to PDF
Stock number: BGS 401
Locus name: Eceriferum-f
Locus symbol: cer-f

Previous nomenclature and gene symbolization:



Monofactorial recessive (3).
Located in chromosome 1H (1); cer-f.9 is associated with SNP markers 1_0764 to 2_1126 (positions 61.51 to 110.10) in 1H bins 06 to 10 of the Bowman backcross-derived line BW110 (1). Previously cer-f.9 was located in chromosome 7H (8), cer-f.9 is near the centromere and about 4.5 cM proximal from the ert-d (erectoides-d) locus (8, 9, 10); cer-f.9
is about 6.3 cM distal from the nud1 (naked caryopsis 1) locus (9, 10).


In the original stock surface wax coating on the spike, leaf sheath, and stem is reduced (wax code + + ++) (3). Reduced surface wax coating was apparent only on the spike (wax code + ++ ++) in the Bowman backcross-derived line for cer-f.9 (BW110). Plants of BW110 were slightly taller than Bowman. Kernel weights varied from slightly lower to slightly more; grain yields were slightly less (2). Allelism tests need to be conducted to confirm that BW110 has a cer-f.9 mutant.

Origin of mutant:

An X-ray induced mutant in Bonus (NGB 14657, PI 189763) (3).

Mutational events:

cer-f.9 (NGB 110893, GSHO 427) in Bonus (NGB 14657, PI 189763) (3, 4); cer-f.230 (NGB 111117) in Foma (NGB 14659, CIho 11333) (4, 7); cer-f.1002 (NGB 111890) in Carlsberg II (NGB 5085, CIho 10114) (4); cer-f.763 (NGB 111651) in Bonus (5); cer-f.1423 (NGB 112311) in Bonus (6).

Mutant used for description and seed stocks:

cer-f.9 (NGB 110893, GSHO 427) in Bonus; cer-f.9 in Bowman (PI 483237, NGB 22812)*6 (GSHO 1846); cer-f.9 in Bowman*7 (BW110, NGB 20516).


1. Druka, A., J. Franckowiak, U. Lundqvist, N. Bonar, J. Alexander, K. Houston, S. Radovic, F. Shahinnia, V. Vendramin, M. Morgante, N. Stein, and R. Waugh. 2010. Genetic dissection of barley morphology and development. Plant Physiol. 155:617-627.
2. Franckowiak, J.D. (Unpublished).
3.. Lundqvist, U., and D. von Wettstein. 1962. Induction of eceriferum mutants in barley by ionizing radiations and chemical mutagens. Hereditas 48:342-362.
4. Lundqvist, U., and D. von Wettstein. 1971. Stock list for the eceriferum mutants. Barley Genet. Newsl. 1:97-102.
5. Lundqvist, U., and D. von Wettstein. 1977. Stock list for the eceriferum mutants IV. Barley Genet. Newsl. 7:92-96.
6. Lundqvist, U., and D. von Wettstein. 1985. Stock list for the eceriferum mutants VII. Barley Genet. Newsl. 15:89-93.
7. Lundqvist, U., P. von Wettstein-Knowles, and D. von Wettstein. 1968. Induction of eceriferum mutants in barley by ionizing radiations and chemical mutagens. II. Hereditas 59:473-504.
8. Søgaard, B. 1971. Linkage studies on eceriferum mutants in barley. Barley Genet. Newsl. 1:41-47.
9. Søgaard, B. 1973. Continued linkage studies on eceriferum mutants in barley. Barley Genet. Newsl. 3:57-61.
10. Søgaard, B. 1974. The localization of eceriferum loci in barley III. Three point tests of genes on chromosome 1 in barley. Hereditas 76:41-48.


U. Lundqvist. 1975. Barley Genet. Newsl. 5:119.


U. Lundqvist and J.D. Franckowiak. 1997. Barley Genet. Newsl. 26:348.
U. Lundqvist and J.D. Franckowiak. 2010. Barley Genet. Newsl. 40:104-105.
U. Lundqvist and J.D. Franckowiak. 2018. Barley Genet. Newsl. 48:138-139.