International Database for Barley Genes and Barley Genetic Stocks
BGS 328, Breviaristatum-e, ari-e
Stock number: BGS 328
Locus name: Breviaristatum-e
Locus symbol: ari-e
Previous nomenclature and gene symbolization:
Breviaristatum-1 = ari-1 (6, 7).
Short awn 9 = lk9 (20).
Golden Promise erectoides = GPert (19)
Hordeum vulgare denso and erect panicle 1 = Hvdep1 (21).
Monofactorial recessive (6).
Located in chromosome 5HL (12, 13, 14, 15, 19); ari-e.1 is about 5.6 cM proximal from the cer-zj (eceriferum-zj) locus (17, 18); ari-e.GP is near SSR molecular marker Bmag337 (3); ari-e.GP is close to SNP marker 2_1239 (11); ari-e.1 is associated with SNP markers 2_1480 and 3_0285 (position 137.96 cM) in 5H bin 08 of the Bowman backcross-derived line BW042 (1); ari-e.GP is associated with SNP markers 1_1198 to 2_0449 (positions 73.70 to 154.37 cM) in 5H bins 02 to 09 of the Bowman backcross-derived line BW043 (1), in 5H bin 06. The ari-e locus is positioned at 52.30 cM on the barley physical map (9. 22). The ari-e.GP gene was fine mapped in a 0.58 Mb interval on the POPSEQ physical map (7).
Awns are about 2/3 normal length, plants are 3/4 to 5/6 normal height, and kernels are smaller (8,19). Awns and spikes are more erect than those of normal sibs (4). Mutant alleles at the ari-e locus are associated with salt tolerance, lower accumulation of Na+ (2, 3, 12), and show relative insensitivity to GA3 (12).The ari-e.GP mutant is described as an elongation (elo) type of semidwarf mutant based on cell size reduction in leaf blades (2). Plants of the Bowman backcross-derived lines for ari-e.1 (BW042) and ari-e.GP (BW043) are about 3/4 as tall as Bowman and have awns that are about half as long. Rachis internodes and leaf blades are slightly shorter. Kernels of BW042 and BW043 were about 10% shorter than those of Bowman and weighed about 10% less. Grain yields of BW042 and BW043 were often less than those of Bowman (5). The ari-e.GP mutant compared to Maythorpe headed 1.5 days earlier. The effect of the ari-e.GP mutant on grain yield per plant was greater in Bowman genetic background than in Maythorpe background (22). The ari-e mutants are loss-of-function mutations in the Hordeum vulgare dense and erect panicle 1 (HvDep1) gene, an Arabidopsis heterotrimeric G protein (AGG3)-type γ-subunit encoding gene that regulates culm elongation and seed size (22). The HvDep1 coding sequence consists of five exons and four introns (22).
Origin of mutant:
A neutron induced mutant in Bonus (NGB 14657, PI 189763) (8).
Mutational events:
ari-e.1 (NGB 115846, GSHO 1653) in Bonus (NGB 14657, PI 189763) (8); ari-e.30 (NGB 115879), -e.39 (NGB 115889) in Bonus (10); ari-e.119 (NGB 115931), -e.156 (NGB 115966) in Foma (NGB 14659, CIho 11333) (8); ari-e.166 (NGB 115976), -e.178 (NGB 115988), -e.222 (NGB 116301) in Foma (10); ari-e.228 (NGB 116038) in Foma (8); ari-e.GP (Golden Promise, PI 343079, GSHO 1733) in Maythorpe (PI 260893) (3, 4, 16), but PI 260893 has three genomic regions that differ from Golden Promise (21). Based on DNA sequencing of the HvDep1 gene, the ari-e.178, ari-e.222, and ari-e.228 mutants could not be confirmed as being ari-e mutants (22).
Mutant used for description and seed stocks:
ari-e.1 (NGB 115846, GSHO 1653) in Bonus; ari-e.GP in Maythorpe (GSHO 1733); ari-e.1 in Bowman (PI 483237)*7 (GSHO 2104, BW042, NGB 20450); ari-e.GP from Golden Promise in Bowman*7 (GSHO 2105, BW043, NGB 20451).
1. Druka, A., J. Franckowiak, U. Lundqvist, N. Bonar, J. Alexander, K. Houston, S. Radovic, F. Shahinnia, V. Vendramin, M. Morgante, N. Stein, and R. Waugh. 2011. Genetic dissection of barley morphology and development. Plant Physiol. 155:617-627.
2. Ellis, R.P, B.P. Forster, D.C. Gordon, L.L. Handley, R.P. Keith, P. Lawrence, R. Meyer, W. Powell, D. Robinson, C.M. Scrimgeour, G. Young and W.T.B. Thomas. 2002. Phenotype/genotype associations for yield and salt tolerance in a barley mapping population segregating for two dwarfing genes. J. Exp. Bot. 53:1163-1176.
3. Forster, B.P., H. Pakniyat, M. Macaulay, W. Matheson, M.S. Phillips, W.T.B. Thomas, and W. Powell. 1994. Variation in the leaf sodium content of the Hordeum vulgare (barley) cultivar Maythorpe and its derived mutant c.v. Golden Promise. Heredity 73:249-253.
4. Franckowiak, J.D. 1992. Allelism tests among selected semidwarf barleys. Barley Genet. Newsl. 21:17-23.
5. Franckowiak, J.D. (Unpublished).
6. Gustafsson, Å., A. Hagberg, U. Lundqvist, and G. Persson. 1969. A proposed system of symbols for the collection of barley mutants at Svalöv. Hereditas 62:409-414.
7. Jia, Q., C. Tan, J Wang, X.-Q. Zhang, J. Zhu, H. Luo, J. Yang, S. Westcott, S. Broughton, D. Moody, and C. Li. 2016. Marker development using SLAF-seq and whole-genome shotgun strategy to fine-map the semi-dwarf gene ari-e in barley. BMC Genomics 17:911.
8. Kucera, J., U. Lundqvist, and Å. Gustafsson. 1975. Inheritance of breviaristatum mutants in barley. Hereditas 80:263-278.
9. Liu, H., M. Bayer, A. Druka, J.R. Russell, C.A. Hackett, J. Poland, L. Ramsay, P.E. Hedley, and R. Waugh. 2014. An evaluation of genotyping by sequencing (GBS) to map the Breviaristatum-e (ari-e) locus in cultivated barley. BMC Genomics 15:104.
10. Lundqvist, U. (Unpublished).
11. Malosetti, M., F.A. van Eeuwijk, M.P. Boer, A.M. Casas, M. Elía, M. Moralejo, P.R. Bhat, L. Ramsay, and J.-L. Molina-Cano. 2011. Gene and QTL detection in a three-way barley cross under selection by a mixed model with kinship information using SNPs. Theor. Appl. Genet. 122:1605-1616.
12. Pakniyat, H., E. Baird, W.T.B. Thomas, P.D.S. Caligari, W. Powell, and B.P. Forster. 1996. Effect of semi-dwarf mutants on salt tolerance in barley. p. 660-661. In A.E. Slinkard, G.J. Scoles, and B.G. Rossnagel (eds.) Proc. Fifth Int. Oat Conf. & Seventh Int. Barley Genet. Symp., Saskatoon. Univ. of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon.
13. Persson, G. 1969. An attempt to find suitable genetic markers for the dense ear loci in barley I. Hereditas 62:25-96.
14. Persson, G. 1969. An attempt to find suitable genetic markers for the dense ear loci in barley II. Hereditas 63:1-28.
15. Persson, G., and A. Hagberg. 1965. Localization of nine induced mutations in the barley chromosomes. Barley Newsl. 8:52-54.
16. Sigurbjorsson, B., and A. Micke. 1969. Progress in mutation breeding. p. 673-697. In Proceedings of an international symposium on the nature, induction and utilization of mutation in plants. Vienna: International Atomic Energy Agency.
17. Søgaard, B. 1974. Three-point tests on chromosome 1 and 7. Barley genet. Newsl. 4:70-73.
18. Søgaard, B. 1977. The localization of eceriferum loci in barley. IV. Three point tests of genes on chromosome 7 in barley. Carlsberg Res. Commun. 42:35-43.
19. Thomas, W.B.T., W. Powell, and W. Wood. 1984. The chromosomal location of the dwarfing gene present in Golden Promise. Heredity 53:177-183.
20. Tsuchiya, T. 1974. Allelic relationships of genes for short-awned mutants in barley. Barley Genet. Newsl. 4:80-81.
21. Walia, H., C. Wilson, P. Condamine, A.M. Ismail, J. Xu, X. Cui, and T.J. Close. 2007. Array-based genotyping and expression analysis of barley cv. Maythorpe and Golden Promise. BMC Genomics. 2007; 8:87.
22. Wendt, T., I. Holme, C. Dockter, A. Preuß, W. Thomas, A. Druka, R. Waugh, M. Hansson, and I. Braumann. 2016. HvDep1 Is a positive regulator of culm elongation and grain size in barley and impacts yield in an environment-dependent manner. PlOS ONE 11(12):e0168924.
U. Lundqvist and J.D. Franckowiak. 1997. Barley Genet. Newsl.26:276.
U. Lundqvist and J.D. Franckowiak. 2011. Barley Genet. Newsl.41:131-132.
U. Lundqvist and J.D. Franckowiak. 2017. Barley Genet. Newsl. 47:120-122.