International Database for Barley Genes and Barley Genetic Stocks

BGS 428, Eceriferum-zj, cer-zj

BGN  42:520 Export to PDF
Stock number: BGS 428
Locus name: Eceriferum-zj
Locus symbol: cer-zj

Previous nomenclature and gene symbolization:



Monofactorial recessive (12).
Located in chromosome 5HL (2, 13); cer-zj.78 is about 11.4 cM proximal from the cer-t (eceriferum-t) locus (13, 14, 15, 16); cer-zj.78 is about 4.8 cM distal from the ert-g (erectoides-g) locus (15, 16); cer-zj.78 is associated with SNP markers 1_1198 to 2_1148 (positions 73.70 to 87.73 cM) in 5H bins 04 to 05 of the Bowman backcross-derived line BW166 (1).


Surface wax coating on the leaf blade appears absent (wax code ++ ++ -) (12). Concerning the chemical epicuticular wax composition, the amount of surface wax cm-2 is reduced and is accompanied by a decrease of the size and morphological complexity of the wax bodies. The amount of aldehydes is slightly increased, and no diketones are observed. Wax bodies are smaller and simpler and less densely scattered over the surface than those of the wild type (17, 18). Plants of the Bowman backcross-derived line for cer-zj.78, BW166, lodged easily than Bowman and the grain yields of BW166 were about 1/3 lower than those of Bowman. Other agronomic traits of BW166 were similar to those of Bowman (3).

Origin of mutant:

An X-ray induced mutant in Bonus (NGB 14657, PI 189763) (12).

Mutational events:

cer-zj.78 (NGB 110962, GSHO 457), -zj.88 (NGB 110972) in Bonus (NGB 14657, PI 189763), -zj.278 (NGB 111165), -zj.314 (NGB 111201), -zj.360 (NGB 111247), -zj.369 (NGB 111256), -zj.394 (NGB 117295), -zj.428 (NGB 111316), -zj.448 (NGB 111336), -zj.454 (NGB 111342), -zj.496 (NGB 111384) in Foma (NGB 14659, CIho 11333) (4, 12); cer-zj.194 (NGB 111080) in Bonus, -zj.461 (NGB 111349), -zj.532 (NGB 111420), -zj.567 (NGB 111455) in Foma, -zj.659 (NGB 111547), -zj.670 (NGB 111558), -zj.727 (NGB 111615), -zj.728 (NGB 111616), -zj.730 (NGB 111618) in Bonus (4); cer-zj.765 (NGB 111653), -zj.781 (NGB 111669), -zj.796 (NGB 111684), -zj.807 (NGB 111695), -zj.820 (NGB 111708), -zj.859 (NGB 111747) in Bonus, -zj.1124 (NGB 112012), -zj.1130 (NGB 112018) in Kristina (NGB 1500, NGB 14661), -zj.619 (NGB 111507), in Foma (5); cer-zj.626 (NGB 111514), -zj.930 (NGB 111818), -zj.931 (NGB 111819), -zj.940 (NGB 111828), -zj.951 (NGB 111839), -zj.960 (NGB 111848) in Bonus, -zj.1185 (NGB 112073) in Kristina (6); cer-zj.618 (NGB 111506) in Foma, -zj.1216 (NGB 1121044), -zj.1221 (NGB 112109), -zj.1222 (NGB 112110), -zj.1240 (NGB 112128), -zj.1271 (NGB 112159), -zj.1275 (NGB 112163) in Kristina (7); cer-zj.1294 (NGB 112182), -zj.1311 (NGB 112199), -zj.1315 (NGB 112203), -zj.1316 (NGB 112204) in Kristina, -zj.1328 (NGB 112216) in Bonus (8); cer-zj.1342 (NGB 112230), -zj.1384 (NGB 112272), -zj.1413 (NGB 112301), -zj.1436 (NGB 112324) in Bonus (9); cer-zj.1488 (NGB 112375), -zj.1732 (NGB 1112545, -zj.1746 (NGB 112580), -zj.1783 (NGB 112598) in Bonus (10); cer-zj.1441 (NGB 112329) in Bonus (11).

Mutant used for description and seed stocks:

cer-zj.78 (NGB 110962, GSHO 457) in Bonus; cer-zj.78 in Bowman (PI 483237)*5 (GSHO 2113); cer-zj.78 in Bowman*7 (BW166, NGB 21998).


1. Druka, A., J. Franckowiak, U. Lundqvist, N. Bonar, J. Alexander, K. Houston, S. Radovic, F. Shahinnia, V. Vendramin, M. Morgante, N. Stein, and R. Waugh. 2011. Genetic dissection of barley morphology and development. Plant Physiol. 155:617-627.

2. Fester, T., and B. Søgaard. 1969. The localization of eceriferum loci in barley. Hereditas 61:327-337.

3. Franckowiak, J.D. (Unpublished).

4. Lundqvist, U., and D. von Wettstein. 1971. Stock list for the eceriferum mutants. Barley Genet. Newsl. 1:97-102.

5. Lundqvist, U., and D. von Wettstein. 1973. Stock list for the eceriferum mutants II. Barley Genet. Newsl. 3:110-112.

6. Lundqvist, U., and D. von Wettstein. 1975. Stock list for the eceriferum mutants III. Barley Genet. Newsl. 5:88-91.

7. Lundqvist, U., and D. von Wettstein. 1977. Stock list for the eceriferum mutants IV. Barley Genet. Newsl. 7:92-96.

8. Lundqvist, U., and D. von Wettstein. 1979. Stock list for the eceriferum mutants V. Barley Genet. Newsl. 9:135-137.

9. Lundqvist, U., and D. von Wettstein. 1982. Stock list for the eceriferum mutants VI. Barley Genet. Newsl. 12:169-172.

10. Lundqvist, U., and D. von Wettstein. 1985. Stock list for the eceriferum mutants VII. Barley Genet. Newsl. 15:89-93.

11. Lundqvist, U., and D. von Wettstein. 1988. Stock list for the eceriferum mutants VIII. Barley Genet. Newsl. 18:88-91.

12. Lundqvist, U., P. von Wettstein-Knowles, and D. von Wettstein. 1968. Induction of eceriferum mutants in barley by ionizing radiations and chemical mutagens. II. Hereditas 59:473-504.

13. Søgaard, B. 1971. Linkage studies on eceriferum mutants in barley. Barley Genet. Newsl. 1:41-47.

14. Søgaard, B. 1973. Continued linkage studies on eceriferum mutants in barley. Barley Genet. Newsl. 3:57-61.

15. Søgaard, B. 1974. Three-point tests on chromosome 1 and 7. Barley Genet. Newsl. 4:70-73.

16. Søgaard, B. 1977. The localization of eceriferum loci in barley. IV. Three point tests of genes on chromosome 7 in barley. Carlsberg Res. Commun. 42:35-43.

17. Wettstein-Knowles, P. von. 1971. The molecular phenotypes of the eceriferum mutants. p.146-193. In R.A. Nilan (ed.) Barley Genetics II. Proc. Second Int. Barley Genet. Symp., Pullman, WA, 1969. Washington State Univ. Press, Pullman.

18. Wettstein-Knowles, P. von. 1972. Genetic control of β-diketone and hydroxy-β-diketone synthesis in epicuticular waxes of barley. Planta 106:113-130.


U. Lundqvist and P. von Wettstein-Knowles. 1975. Barley Genet. Newsl. 5:146.


U. Lundqvist and J.D. Franckowiak. 1997. Barley Genet. Newsl. 26:379-380.
U. Lundqvist and J.D. Franckowiak. 2012. Barley Genet. Newsl. 42:520-521.