International Database for Barley Genes and Barley Genetic Stocks

BGS 355, Glossy sheath 5, gsh5

BGN  47:128 Export to PDF
Stock number: BGS 355
Locus name: Glossy sheath 5
Locus symbol: gsh5

Previous nomenclature and gene symbolization:

Glossy sheath 5 = gs5 (15).
Eceriferum-s = cer-s (5, 13).
Glossy sheath 8 = gs8 (17).


Monofactorial recessive (5).
Located in chromosome 2HL (15, 16, 17, 19); gsh5 is located in the centromeric region about 2.5 cM proximal from the eog1 (elongated outer glume 1) locus (15, 17); gsh5.m is about 32.0 cM proximal from the vrs1 (six-rowed spike 1) locus (15, 17); gsh5.m is associated with SNP markers 1_0851 to 2_1437 (positions 81.43 to 113.28 cM) in 2H bins 06 to 08 of the Bowman backcross-derived line BW408 (2); cer-s.31 is associated with SNP markers 1_0796 to 2_0528 (positions 95.53 to 118.78 cM) in 2H bins 07 to 08 of the Bowman backcross-derived line BW122 (2), in 2H bin 07.


Mutants have a reduced surface wax covering on the spikes and stems, and a bright glossy green color on all leaf sheaths (15) (wax code + - ++) (5). The nodes appear to have an excessive wax covering (4). The Bowman backcross-derived line with the cer-s.31 allele, BW122, headed 2 to 4 days later than BW408 with the gsh5.m allele and Bowman (4). BW122 also had 3 to 6 more kernels per spike. Kernels of BW122 and BW408 were about 10% lighter than those of Bowman. The grain yields of BW408 were often slightly lower than those of Bowman or BW408 (4). The differences in maturity and number of kernels per spike between BW122 and BW408 were attributed to close linkage between alleles at the gsh5 locus and those at the [Eam6 [Early maturity 6, Earliness per se 2S (eps2S), Praematurum-c (mat-c), Hordeum vulgare CENTRORADIALIS (HvCEN)] locus (1, 4).

Origin of mutant:

An X-ray induced mutant in Bonus (NGB 14657, PI 189763) (5); a radiation induced mutant in Jotun (PI 467357) (15); a spontaneous mutant in Okaiku 3 (OUL011) (18).

Mutational events:

cer-s.24 (NGB 110908) in Bonus (NGB 14657, PI 189763) (5); cer-s.31 (NGB 110915, GSHO 440) in Bonus (3, 5); cer-s.41 (NGB 110925) in Bonus (5); cer-s.287 (NGB 111174), -s.303 (NGB 111190), -s.372 (NGB 111259), -s.444 (NGB 111332) in Foma (NGB 14659, CIho 11333) (13); cer-s.1047 (NGB 111935) in Carlsberg II (NGB 5085, CIho 10114) (6); cer-s.137 (NGB 111022) in Bonus, -s.591 (NGB 111479) in Foma, -s.803 (NGB 111691) in Bonus, -s.1132 (NGB 112020) in Kristina (NGB 14661, NGB 1500) (7); cer-s.914 (NGB 111802) in Bonus (8); cer-s.622 (NGB 111510) in Bonus, -s.1054 (NGB 111942) in Carlsberg II, -s.1153 (NGB 117264) in Kristina (9); cer-s.1323 (NGB 112211) in Bonus (10); cer-s.1134 (NGB 112022) in Kristina (11); cer-s.1754 (NGB 112568) in Bonus (12); gsh5.m (GSHO 739) in Jotun (PI 467357) (15); gsh5.n (GSHO 832) in Okaiku 3 (OUL011) (14, 18).

Mutant used for description and seed stocks:

gsh5.m (GSHO 739) in Jotun; cer-s.31 (NGB 110915, GSHO 440) in Bonus; cer-s.31 in Bowman (PI 483237)*5 (GSHO 1888); cer-s.31 in Bowman*8 (BW122, NGB 20528); gsh5.m in Bowman*8 (GSHO 1889, BW408, NGB 20641).


1. Comadran, J., B. Kilian, J. Russell, L. Ramsay, N. Stein, M. Ganal, P. Shaw, M. Bayer, W. Thomas, D. Marshall, P. Hedley, A. Tondelli, N. Pecchioni, E. Francia, V. Korzun, A. Walther, and R. Waugh. 2012. Natural variation in a homolog of Antirrhinum CENTRORADIALIS contributed to spring growth habit and environmental adaptation in cultivated barley. Nature Genet. 44:1388-1392.
2. Druka, A., J. Franckowiak, U. Lundqvist, N. Bonar, J. Alexander, K. Houston, S. Radovic, F. Shahinnia, V. Vendramin, M. Morgante, N. Stein, and R. Waugh. 2011. Genetic dissection of barley morphology and development. Plant Physiol. 155:617-627.
3. Eslick, R.F. 1974. Allele tests of gs and cer mutants. Barley Genet. Newsl. 4:9-11.
4. Franckowiak, J.D. (Unpublished).
5. Lundqvist, U., and D. von Wettstein. 1962. Induction of eceriferum mutants in barley by ionizing radiations and chemical mutagens. Hereditas 48:342-362.
6. Lundqvist, U., and D. von Wettstein. 1971. Stock list for the eceriferum mutants. Barley Genet. Newsl. 1:97-102.
7. Lundqvist, U., and D. von Wettstein. 1973. Stock list for the eceriferum mutants II. Barley Genet. Newsl. 3:110-112.
8. Lundqvist, U., and D. von Wettstein. 1975. Stock list for the eceriferum mutants III. Barley Genet. Newsl. 5:88-91.
9. Lundqvist, U., and D. von Wettstein. 1977. Stock list for the eceriferum mutants IV. Barley Genet. Newsl. 7:92-96.
10. Lundqvist, U., and D. von Wettstein. 1979. Stock list for the eceriferum mutants V. Barley Genet. Newsl. 9:135-137.
11. Lundqvist, U., and D. von Wettstein. 1982. Stock list for the eceriferum mutants VI. Barley Genet. Newsl. 12:169-172.
12. Lundqvist, U., and D. von Wettstein. 1985. Stock list for the eceriferum mutants VII. Barley Genet. Newsl. 15:89-93.
13. Lundqvist, U., P. von Wettstein-Knowles, and D. von Wettstein. 1968. Induction of eceriferum mutants in barley by ionizing radiations and chemical mutagens. II. Hereditas 59:473-504.
14. McProud, W.L., and R.F. Eslick. 1971. Allelism within a series of glossy sheath mutants. Barley Genet. Newsl. 1:31-34.
15. Rasmusson, D.C., and J.W. Lambert. 1965. Inheritance of the glossy-sheath character in barley, Hordeum vulgare L. Crop Sci. 5:251-253.
16. Singh, R.J., and T. Tsuchiya. 1974. Further information on telotrisomic analysis in barley. Barley Genet. Newsl. 4:66-69.
17. Takahashi, R., J. Hayashi, T. Konishi, and I. Moriya. 1972. Inheritance and linkage studies in barley. V. Locating seven new mutant genes. Ber. Ohara Inst. landw. Biol., Okayama Univ. 15:147-168.
18. Takahashi, R., J. Hayashi, and I. Moriya. 1971. Linkage studies in barley. Barley Genet. Newsl. 1:51-58.
19. Tsuchiya, T. 1972. Cytogenetics of telotrisomics in barley. Barley Genet. Newsl. 2:93-98.


W.L. McProud and R.F. Eslick. 1971. Barley Genet. Newsl. 1:171-172.


J.D. Franckowiak and U. Lundqvist. 1997. Barley Genet. Newsl. 26:300-301.
U. Lundqvist and J.D. Franckowiak. 2011. Barley Genet. Newsl. 41:149-150.
U. Lundqvist and J.D. Franckowiak. 2014. Barley Genet. Newsl. 44:126-127.
U. Lundqvist and J.D. Franckowiak. 2017. Barley Genet. Newsl. 47:128-130.